Wednesday, April 22, 2009


it is hard to get back into the habit ...

thursday the 16th

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

trudge offensive

internalize the projection - overreact then reboot with the real

wednesday the 15th

Friday, April 17, 2009


what is after the aftermath, the calm in between drama

saturday the 11th

other prices

both need and luxury collide with unexpected tax to remain unshown

friday the 10th

more misses

take the chance and fluctuate thankful for the call find new meaning even if not rejoicing
thursday the 9th


good beginnings are not proof

wednesday the 8th

Thursday, April 16, 2009

like the end

the tension ran high, the mints screamed about touch like the ruined castle that was never quite as exciting as cinderella - yet the redemption visiting the castle does not exclude

tuesday the 7th

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

unnnoticed success

I thought only of the madness and rush yet so good was the content overlooked

monday the 6th

my rest

sunday the 5th


Sorry I have been so absent ... life was hectic for a week. Crazy in fact, but expect things again soon :-D
